Monday, April 22, 2019

Step Out on Faith and Finish the Race By: Kimberly McCants

“Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:3 NIV

Some days it seems very hard to keep going in the right direction. Whether it’s a day when it seems as if nothing is going right, or just one of those days that is a repeat of the day before but with a different obstacle. However, we struggle to stay the course. We begin to feel inadequate, insecure, and unsure of being able to keep the pace that we have been going. We become tired and not sure how and if we can make it through the day or week. We don’t have all the answers, and feel we don’t have things under control.
In times like these, we should cry out to God for his strength and power to carry us through. We begin to acknowledge our weaknesses and pain in expectancy of some assistance and guidance from God our Father.  We realize that we can not do it on our own and have no clue of how to finish the race set before us.
Well, the best part about it is, it's not up to us! We simply have to keep living from day to day, stepping out on faith. Faith requires us to invest in our relationship with God in ways that oftentimes seem unclear and very cloudy. We don’t seem to understand why God allows certain things to happen and cannot see what is ahead. Yet we are called to step out on Faith, believing and trusting that God will guide us each step of the way, regardless of how clear/unclear the path may be. Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29 NIV
I encourage you to not worry about how hard or long the race is, just stay the course and allow God to lead the way. Even if the race seems clear, don’t worry about how clear you can see what God is up to, just take the next step- Keep the Faith and Finish the Race!

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